Many houses in Littleham and Landcross now have installations of solar photovoltaic panels, battery storage, air source heat pumps and solar thermal hot water.
In addition there are many fully electric and hybrid vehicles in the parishes.
If you are looking for first hand information and would like to talk to someone about their experiences ( good and bad!) with renewable energy, heat pumps, insulation, etc., the Parish Council can put you in touch with people in both Littleham and Landcross. Contact David Edwards, clerk to the Parish Council for more information.
Some examples :
Heat Pumps : A recent survey by NESTA (the UK's innovation agency for social good) on heat pumps, found that around 80% of owners were highly satisfied with their heat pump , with no evidence that satisfaction varied significantly by property age.
Devon County Council have £13.2 million funding available for energy efficiency upgrades for low-income households without mains gas, and the Government Boiler Upgrade scheme has grants of up to £5000 for an air-source heat pump, £6000 for ground source and £5000 for a biomass boiler.